Monday 22 February 2016

Regular Exercise curbs cancer say Finish experts

Regular physical activity plays a significant role in helping to reduce the risk of colon and breast cancer, according to the Cancer Society of Finland. New guidelines by the Finnish Medical Society Duodecim stress the role of exercise in reducing the risk of cancer more than ever before.


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Uganda singer Abandons Swedish Wife For Younger Woman in Norway

A 26 year old Ugandan singer, Guvnor Ace who shot to fame and made international headlines 2015 after his wedding to a 68 year old Swedish woman named Mona Lisa Larsson has finally dumped her.
As at that time, Guvnor made it a daily routine flaunting his unshakable love for his wife and how it was never going to die despite an international outcry.

Thursday 18 February 2016

Erdogan son investigated in Italy money-laundering probe

Turkish president ,Tayyip Erdogan's son Bilal is being investigated for money laundering in Italy after a formal denunciation was filed to the Italian authorities by Turkish businessman Murat Hakan Huzan, a strong opposer of Erdogan's autocratic government and now in exile in France, La Repubblica reported.  Bilal Erdogan, 35, is studying for a doctorate program in international relations at John Hopkins University in Bologna, where his arrival in September last year was greeted with polemic.